There are numerous ways to cope with back pain or neck pain, and unfortunately one of the most common is to turn to pharmaceutical analgesics prescribed by a GP, which often deal with the symptoms, but don’t actually address what’s causing the problem in the first place. This is where a field such as osteopathy can really help.
If you live in the Sydney eastern suburbs, it’s convenient to visit a Bondi Junction osteopath. But when choosing an osteopath Bondi Junction has several, so you need to make sure you see an osteopath that’s right for you.
The Rationale Behind Osteopathy
Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy that considers the body and its systems holistically (recognising the interconnectedness of the skeleton, the muscles, the nerves, the joints, and other bodily tissues and organs) to determine not only why someone suffers from a particular form of pain, but also how to resolve the pain issue naturally, by assisting the body in healing itself. This form of holistic medicine works on the premise that the body is designed to self-heal, and will do so when facilitated by appropriate treatment.
An Osteopath’s Training
An osteopath has extensive training in anatomy and physiology and in the diagnosis of various muscular and skeletal problems. They’ll spend considerable time diagnosing exactly what is wrong with their patients before prescribing an appropriate treatment regimen, which may involve massage and other physical manipulation.
When considering their diagnosis, the osteopath won’t simply look at the area in which the problem is experienced (such as the neck or back) but will look at the interconnected tissues to get to the source of the problem.
Treatment Options Used by Osteopaths
There are numerous treatment techniques practised by osteopaths, including active and passive ones, as well as direct and indirect. For example, an active method would require the patient to perform a particular exercise as directed by their osteopath, while in the passive method, the patient would refrain from movement during their treatment. The treatment modality chosen will depend to a large extent on the reason for the pain and what parts of the body’s systems are causing the problem to occur.
Finding the Right Osteopath in Bondi Junction for You
It’s worthwhile to do some research before choosing an osteopath in Bondi Junction – they should be well-qualified and right for you. It’s important to choose an osteopath that you’re comfortable working with, particularly if your condition requires longer-term treatment. Given the sometimes very physical nature of osteopathic treatment, it’s especially important that you are completely comfortable with your osteopath.